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Learning vega/vega-lite - part of the scripting section at http://sesync-ci.github.io/syllabi/2016/12/12/visualization-workshop-beta.html#schedule
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Learning Lyra - part of the scripting section of http://sesync-ci.github.io/syllabi/2016/12/12/visualization-workshop-beta.html#schedule
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The absolute minimum setup for letting devtools + roxygen help you organize and use R functions.
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Data and R code to generate a figure demonstrating the benefit of cost-efficient resource allocation
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ESA-decision-making / shiny
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leaflet.js portion of the scripting section at http://sesync-ci.github.io/syllabi/2016/12/12/visualization-workshop-beta.html#schedule
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Data and R code to generate a figure demonstrating the benefit of cost-efficient resource allocation
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Summer institute practice for text data and climate shocks
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